What is your company’s greatest asset? It’s you, obviously. No matter how large or small your company, whether you are in property or cakes, as the business owner you are the brains and the passion behind it all. When you are fit and inspired, opportunities come to you, success comes easily, and when you are ill or disillusioned, even if your staff covers for you, the spark is gone and the company will not prosper.
One of the things I most enjoy about being a business owner is that I can justify looking after myself extremely well because I am my company’s most important asset. After all, my shareholders (that’s me too!) demand that I preserve and invest in the company’s assets. And how do I do that? Below I describe the top three important aspects of you to protect and invest in for your company’s benefit. As a Business Coach, I encourage my clients to seriously consider these investments that will provide great benefits to the company and you.
Invest in Your Well-being
I don’t know about you, but when I am happy and healthy I do better work. I am more creative, I’m more confident and I’m nicer to my customers. I’ve also learned that when I listen to myself more…both physical and mental pains…I can avoid getting colds and flus that cost valuable working time.
The main obstacle for most people is simply in making your own well-being a top priority. It’s easy to let business and family demands come first, even as you become grumpy and ill from over work and stress. So just put your body and your mental health first, and do what it takes. Schedule your self-care just as you do your business appointments. Be efficient by finding healthy activities that you really love so that you can re-charge your body and your mind at the same time.
Invest in Your Learning and Skills Development
With the pace of the world, it’s obvious that we need to keep learning in order to stay competitive and efficient. One way is to take courses that enhance your skills, both technical and personal. But you can save time and receive much more relevant learning by reflecting on your current business activities. Ask yourself what is working and what isn’t. The deepest learning comes from experience, so why not capitalize on the unique experience you have as a business owner by reflecting regularly. You can take half an hour per week to reflect, and especially if you use the help of a business coach or a supportive group of peers, you will learn valuable lessons that you can immediately apply.
Invest in Your Support System
Businesses are developed through initiative and risk, and business owners frequently feel fear (and excitement) as they step into the unknown of creating a business. It’s completely normal to feel fear when you are doing something new. But there’s a risk that your fear will stop you from taking action to run your business the way you most want. A strong support system can carry you through those inevitable times of uncertainty or insecurity. Choose dedicated, impartial and encouraging people to support you as your business coach, board of advisors, or mastermind group and they will help you move smoothly through your business challenges, as well as ensure you are investing in your learning and well-being.
With the courage to believe you are worth it, you can become a successful business owner who protects and invests in herself (or himself) as the driving force behind business and life success.