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1. Get yourself a coach and experience coaching. 
This strategy works in three ways: 1) you can learn how to coach by modeling your coach, 2) you can develop coaching skills and behaviours with the support of your coach, 3) by using the service yourself you demonstrate your belief in coaching.

2. Walk the talk. Become a model. 
Whatever qualities you believe are lacking in your organization, develop them first in yourself to the highest degree. You will influence others and they will want to know how you did it.

3.Practice coaching at every opportunity. 
Practice makes perfect. Use every opportunity at work, at home and with your friends to practice your coaching and coaching skills. Start with people you feel comfortable with and experiment with others as you gain confidence.

4. Develop yourself so that you are very attractive as a coach. 
When you are open, positive, supportive, and fully confident in being yourself, people will want you as their coach. Reduce your smallnesses and emotional reactions. Develop your personal foundation.

5. Get clear about who your ideal clients are. 
Start noticing what kind of person is attracted to you as a coach. If you also want them as your client, great! Tailor your services for them. If you want a different kind of client, upgrade yourself so that you’re attractive to the right people.

6. Discuss your experiences with other people who are learning to coach.
Connect with other new or experienced coaches and share your experiences. You can learn from others’ successes and mistakes and also through sharing your own experiences.

7. Collect stories and examples of how coaching has helped someone.
When you are very clear about the value of coaching, you’ll see more clearly what you need to do to be most effective. And you’ll be able to sell your services more easily.

8. Take part in a coaching group and learn from an experienced coach. 
Just as when you have your own coach, you will be able to model the coach’s techniques, develop yourself through the support of the group and demonstrate your belief in the process. In addition, you will be able to watch and learn from the coach coaching other members of the group. If you can’t find a local group, hire a coach and form one, or join an international one that meets by telephone.

9. Get clear about why people want you to coach them. 
When you understand exactly why your clients want you as their coach, you can influence them easily, you’ll know what you need to do to help them.

11. Surround yourself with other people who coach. 
Your environment has a profound influence on you. When you stay close to others who coach, you’ll absorb their attitudes and naturally model their behaviours. Join a coaching community.